The Sounds and Photos of your children playing
... to keep forever

Life-Lens Productions

Brian's Bwindi Blog - Home-schooling in Uganda

Our family, (that's Margaret, Brian, Aisulu and Rosie), are getting ready, as best we can, for life at Bwindi Community Hospital in Uganda. Maragret will be doctoring and I'll be home-schooling. And the kids will be having their first real intercultural experience. It'll be a life-enhancing challenge for all.

This will be a blog about our time there, our adventures, our observations, our comparisons, our feelings living in the Ugandan cloud forest in 2 small rooms on-site at a small rural hospital. We'll be there 6-9 months.

I'm hoping I'll be able to document in both images and audio the life of a small rural hospital, the stories of the people and families that work there, and the colour and vibrancy of Ugandan life.

Home schooling the girls is something I've always wanted to do and all three of us are looking forward to it. It may impact on my ability to document, certainly at the beginning, but I'm hoping that i can find a way to do both.

Wish us all luck!