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Life-Lens Productions

Patterns in Nature


I found this beautiful butterfly by a clear, cool river with ferns covering the banks and lichens and moss all over the trees. It was stranded on a leaf because it had fallen in a small, pool. I felt a little bit sad when I found it because it had died, however, I was excited to tell Daddy because daddy is mad on insects.

This pattern on a leaf is made by leaf miners which are tiny creatures that burrow in between the top and bottom of the leaf. Amazing! I really like this leaf because it's like lots of circles inside each other, and that it goes from dark to light green.

These rainndrop looking things growing on the tree I think are quite unusual.

I'm not sure why these raindrops are not falling off these leaves. Could anyone tell me why?

I found these mushrooms on a tree-trunk in the forest. I like them because they look like mini-fireworks. I've never seen mushrooms in clumps before. I think they are there because the tree is rotting and moist. There are more fungi in the forest than in England, I think.


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