The Sounds and Photos of your children playing
... to keep forever

Life-Lens Productions

Amazing animals


When I went guava hunting at a big, expensive, smart lodge called the Crested Crane I went on a walk and saw some of these birds.

They have a wonderful gold crest of feathers, a black body, a white ring around it's eyes and two patches of peach next to their body. They have thin long legs with gigantic feet and are about as big as me, I think.

They are the national bird of Uganda and they are on the flag and the coins.

Another animal that I have seen lots of are butterflies and moths. They are usually brightly coloured like the peoples clothes and some of them are really big, I saw one moth with a wing-span of 23cm!!

On the wall of Mummys work place was a rainbow lizard, (like in the photo, although this one is hiding in a hedge). I was very excited because I didn't know what it was at first. I wanted to tell Daddy about it but he was in Mummys office. I wanted to keep watching it in case it ran away, but also I wanted Daddy to know about it.

It was sunning itself on the big wall and I thought it might fall off. It looked suspicious and grumpy because , I think, it was a bit frightened and worried.

I have also seen so many ants that they can join up together and make a wall, so that the smaller ants can carry their eggs through without something eating them, because they give a very nasty bite.

They come in an army of ants (army ants!) often on the path outside our house, and sometimes even inside our house (look at the red bin photo below)!

The wood bee would be a good bee if it could be not a bee that drilled into wood. I think it makes it's nest in the wood holes. Sometimes the wood holes are in houses.

The reason why this beetle is called 'the long-horn beetle' is because it has extra long antennae. It also has an exoskeleton that makes it extra hard for birds to eat it.


The ants here are sharp and bitey and I don't like stepping on them. And they are very nasty. I had one up me, and I don't like it. It is very hurty. Once we had them in the middle of our driveway and that is the time when they gave me a naty bite. When the ants get their jaws open then it means that they are shouting ants.

Rainbow lizards are quick and slim. We saw some on the wall of the hospital. It was on the corner. I think it was sunning itself. And it had a blue head and a green and browny body. And it had a black and a bit of white and a bit of blue tail. But we didn't get to catch any of them because they were even too high for Daddy and Mummy.

Wood bees are called wood bees because they like, I think, wood. And I think they are found in lots of different countries.

This black beetle, I think, is called a dung beetle [Daddy - It's called an assassian bug].

(Daddy) - a caterpillar, but which end is the head at?!

More spectacular butterflies.

How to make colourful wings with only one colour? Have some translucent bits.

A stick insect that appeared on the wall by our window.

Nasty looking assasian bug. I guess that is partly the idea.