The Sounds and Photos of your children playing
... to keep forever

Life-Lens Productions

Camouflage and What is this?


This is a dry leaf in the forest. Can you see anything interesting about it? There is an animal that is hiding using all of its camoflage.

I think this is a nice photo because I like the brown against the bright green background. I also like the dappled holes in the leaf.

Outside the back of our house a lot of jungle leaves had fallen down and turned beige and brownish-greys. Hidden in this photo is an insect that is so well camolflaged that when Daddy looked at the photo he had taken he couldn't see the insect in it! At first I couldn't either. But when I looked hard enough I managed to find it. Can you?

I can hardly believe what this is! To me it looks a bit like a twig. But twigs are not usually in the shape of an X. It was on the mosquito mesh of our window, one morning. Can you work out what it is? Clue: It seems to have 4 legs. Maybe this is number is a factor of it's real number of legs?

In the forest there is a tree, and on the tree there is a path, and on the path were ... what...? can you guess? What might make a path like that up a tree? Why has the moss not grown over the path? It has grown over most of the rest of the tree. It's something tiny, but hard-working.