The Sounds and Photos of your children playing
... to keep forever

Life-Lens Productions

Creative Chameleon


We've only been in Uganda for 2 1/2 weeks and on the second day when mummy was walking to work she saw what she thought was a bright green lizard on the road and she came to tell me and I was very excited to see it. When I looked closer I saw that it had 2 toes, and then I knew that it must be a chameleon!

We thought it might bite so we looked it up on the net and it said they don't bite so we took it back to our house to play with it.

It was a little bit smaller than my hand, so it was just the right size for it to curl around my finger and it was tickly. It was quite still and we saw it change colour from a very bright green to a brown with a yellow streak across it's back. When it was a dark green-ish colour it looked to me like a leaf.

We kept it for a few hours but afterwards when Mummy came home we went for a walk by a river in the cloud forest and found a lovely wild place to let it go.


I had it on my hand. It was just the right size. I thought it would come into my bed, but we let it go. We also had some giant millipedes but they escaped.

And now Zish (the previous doctor) has gone, but it is still a nice life. I like Barnabas because he is so funny and Bright because he is so tickly.

We have a nice house in Uganda but still I miss our old house in England where Maria is. Our home in Uganda is quite small, it only has 3 rooms -one is the toilet, one is Mummy and Daddys bedroom, one is my and Aisulu's bedroom and playroom, and kitchen, and lounge.

And I have done some writing. It says I wish we were back in our other house because I miss all my toys like Hopp-Hop and Woof-woof. And I can get my pretend stethescope out and use it as a little lead for Woof-woof. But still in our Ugandan home our life is happy.