The Sounds and Photos of your children playing
... to keep forever

Life-Lens Productions

Magnificent Millipede


We found a giant millipede and I got to hold one on a stick and I was very happy. I think it escaped. It had a hard shell with lots and lots and lots of legs. They pooed when they were a bit frightened. And it was curling up when I touched it. In England there arn't giant millipedes.

There is a girl called Gwen and brother Peter and they live together. And there is Rachel . She is 5 and I am 4 and a half. But we have lots of fun. And there is one boy called David.

The beach is a long way away and we went on 2 aeroplanes and there were little computers and we got to watch things on them, and we had things to eat on the aeroplane too.


When I first saw a giant millipede my family wasn't there to see it so I let it go at the bottom of the guest-house steps. About a week later I found 2 giant millipedes and we kept them for 3 days but then they escaped.

When they are scared they alwys curl up in a spiral and they look like a black ammonite.

A grown up millipede at home would be as big as baby giant millipede here. I measured a grown up one and it was 14cm long.

We found out that they spit out a liquid which irritates your skin so we held it by it's body so that it couldn't spit on us, or we just held it by a stick . We also found out that they are quite easy to keep as a pet and that they eat old vegetables and fruit. Therefore it would easy to keep them in England because we have both of those things.

They have a very hard exoskeleton. We looked them up on the internet to find out roughly how many legs they have and we found out that they have about 350 legs.