The Sounds and Photos of your children playing
... to keep forever

Life-Lens Productions

Monkey Mayhem


I like red-tailed monkeys because of their heart-shaped noses and their lovely red tails. And I always want to touch them but I know I shouldn't because they carry diseases.

Red-tails can jump very fast through the trees but sometimes, instead of jumping through the trees, they first jump onto our tin roof, and then the satellite cable of our neighbours, and then on to our car.

Sometimes we feed the monkeys guava fruit, bananas and mangoes, and they are a bit shy so they run down from the roof or car and grab the fruit. But they don't always have to do this because we occasionally throw the fruit up to them and they catch it in their hands or mouths!

When they are on the car they often look into the windscreen as if they want to drive the car and eat all the food in it.

They also have tried to chew the car antennae and I thought that it might come off because they have sharp teeth.

Play-fighting between the younger monkeys seems to be what some of them like to do and when I have seen them do this they were rolling around on the car roof and I thought that they might fall off.

One other thing I have observed is the monkeys squashing their tummies against the roof of our car, but I’m not sure what sure why they do this. I think it is because they like the heat from the metal in the sun.


The red-tailed monekeys can jump really fast. There's a person called Jim and he lifted me up so that I could see the red-tailed monkeys. I felt a little bit scared that it was going to touch me but it did not. The red-tailed monkey was right next to me. Daddy gave it some banana and it just came down and gobbled it all up.

(Daddy) - I like the way the curves of the branches echo the curves of the monkey tails. This is the tree right outside our house where the monkeys regularly gather then jump onto the car and our tin roof to alert us to the fact that they are around and hoping for some food.