The Sounds and Photos of your children playing
... to keep forever

Life-Lens Productions

More of our life here


This is Njovo Park Lodge. The Njovo is a kitten and I got to hold him! I want to go there again so that I can hold the kitten. I will love Mr. Njovo. We had our own house. We went to the place where we eat for lunch, breakfast and supper. And one night we saw some hippos. And when we went to our home I was scared that the hippos would run at me! And after that we saw some warthogs in our garden.


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I went in this hammock. I really loved it and want to go there again. It was at Villa Katwe.

Insects are fun. I like my Daddy to catch them and let me see them.

I am really happy in the mornings because I have porridge with lots and lots of Ugandan honey. And I really like maths. I hope I see you all again.


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There is a big forest around our house with a walk. It is called the Self Guided Walk. We stamp our feet when we cross a bridge because there may be spitting cobras underneath. Daddy was going across the bridge when he saw a big black long line moving fast into the river. Maybe it was a spitting cobra.