The Sounds and Photos of your children playing
... to keep forever

Life-Lens Productions



Some ladies wear a shawl, sometimes in a shop, sometimes not. And some ladies wear a head-scarf and some not. Men don’t wear a head scarf or a shawl.

This lady has lots of lines on her head and in Uganda ladies have short hair. Sometimes it looks curly and sometimes it looks straight.

This lady has yellow, black and grey clothes. Other ladies wear bright colours and I got an African style dress for Christmas. Daddy will put a photo on the blog soon of me in my new dress.

Baby Rina is very small, and she has a Daddy that works in the hospital. He looks after children and babies.

I writed SH, SH, SH, SH because baby Rina wanted to go to sleep. I gave it to Baby Rina and her mother.

This lady wears an orangey and redy and black shawl.

There was a big rain storm and she kept me nice and warm inside her stall in the market.

She was selling bananas, matoke, sweet potatoes, avocado, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, passion fruit, cabbages.