The Sounds and Photos of your children playing
... to keep forever

Life-Lens Productions

The big storm


When we went to the market one day there was a terrifically big storm with hail, rain and very high wind. We were buying a bunch of bananas, and we had just given the lady 5000 shillings,

when there was a massive clap of thunder and the rain started pouring down and we had no rain-coats.

The lady was very kind and she took us into her store room, made of sticks and mud, with a tin roof.

Rosie got very cold sitting on the bench right next to the door so the wrapped up in her shawl which were the colours of the Ugandan flag - red, black and yellow. So she was OK.

In the store room, apart from us, there were potatoes, cabbage, bananas, and matoke (green, and they are not bananas). The lady had a bench in the store-room which small but quite comfortable. I felt a bit chilly but glad that I was not getting soaked outside.

When we left, outside there were rivers of muddy water pouring everywhere and we had to jump over them and I was bit scared that I might fall in and get all wet.


This lady wears an orangey and redy and black shawl. There was a big rain storm and she kept me nice and warm inside her stall in the market. She was selling bananas, matoke, sweet potatoes, avocado, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, passion fruit, cabbages.