The Sounds and Photos of your children playing
... to keep forever

Life-Lens Productions

Tropical plants


One day I went to a hollow tree with Rosie and Daddy. I recognised it as a strangler fig. It looked like a twisted, thick, vine but at the top there was still small bits of the tree that strangler fig had strangled. When I first came across it it was amazing to see how tall and strong it was. You get to it by walking across a log on a a small swampy bit by the river in the jungle. I managed to go inside it and when I looked up I could see right up to the top and I wished I could climb there.

There were lots of holes in it. I think it had big buttress roots which spread out wide to keep the strangler fig stable.

When we went to Kingsleys coffee farm he showed us all his dried coffee beans and in the same garden I found three pineapples. I thought they would be growing in trees, but actually they were growing in small spikey plants.

I also found a mango tree in a field of coffe trees and I climbed up one of the branches nearly to the top and it was very comfortable. I counted 35 mangoes at that time, but they were not ripe.


(Daddy) - A small tree fungus, probably fallen off from the canopy. As I understand it most of the life and energy is in the canopy and when it dies it is very quickly recycled and turned back into the many diverse forms of life here.